Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Who am I and why am I here?

Who was that General that ran with Ross Perot in 1992? I think that was one of the funniest lines that I ever heard in Politics. However, it is also one of the best lessons to learn in life.

I am constantly trying to re-think and re-invent myself. Not sure why I do this, but I think it is because of the question "Who am I and why am I here?" I am a big believer in working to improve yourself as much as you can. I believe this is true in family issues, spiritual faith, friendships and the workplace. Who you are is a reflection of what you are.

Now, don't get me wrong. I am not trying to change my personality/beliefs to match those around me. Quite on the contrary. What I try to do is to sand off the rough edges to be better at serving and taking care of those around me.

On a different topic, I spent the last couple of days with my friend Matt on Lake Michigan deep sea fishing. Matt is an incredibly intelligent guy and probably one of the most honest people you would ever want to meet. I really enjoy our discussions on Politics, Family, Faith and workplace issues. I also really liked catching 150 pounds of salmon and trout without losing my lunch all over the deck. I did this last year and felt like I was dying for the first day out on the boat. There is nothing worse than feeling like you're going to puke and have nowhere to go.

I also got back from Vancouver with Rachel on Sunday. I had to go up there to meet with my HTG3 buddies to discuss business and life issues we have as Business Owners. What a great group of people. I was also able to spend time with my bride for five days alone. Amazing how much you are able to catch up with each other when the kids and the pressures of everyday life are not there.

Well, that's it. The first day of the Blog that I promised everyone that I would write. Not sure if this of any value other than to myself. I kind of like doing this, though. Sitting here just writing about anything is kind of soothing. I now have to get back to work. Boy, it is fun to get out of town for awhile, but really bites trying to get caught up on everything when you get back.


Sales Guy said...

I like it - keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Nice job, Mike!
